Through 5 team leaders, you’ll be responsible for 50 skilled engineers producing a variety of metal finishing operations throughout a very busy and successful engineering company

You’ll be responsible for developing staff, driving change, identifying training needs, planning budgets, formulating initiatives for micro-improvements and making a very profitable and successful operation even more so

Your background requires a proven ability in managing people within a complex precision manufacturing environment

Metal finishing uses a wide range of potentially hazardous machinery and chemicals, so your grasp of Health & Safety reviews and consistent enhancements is vital

CV not ready? No problem, just email, Inmail, text or call me – I’ll always get back to you

Job Information

Job Reference: 1195
Salary From: £50000
Salary To: £55000
Job Industries: Engineering
Job Locations: Uxbridge, Greater London, England
Job Types: Permanent
Job Skills: Engineering

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