4 million precision components is a lot. And you can make a big difference to this volume including improvements to quantity, quality, accuracy and customer satisfaction.

You’ll be tackling plenty of complex problems by analysing data to change processes and procedures across an automated production line

Your engineering and CI background will be used in working with all the teams in design, manufacturing and quality to ensure these components are made in the most effective and efficient way

Combined with your engineering qualification, you’ll need experience in large batch manufacturing such as confectionery, consumer goods, drinks or single use medcial devices

Successful changes will be adopted across other production sites around the world offering your recognition and further career opportunities for the long term

CV not ready? No problem, just email, Inmail, text or call me – I’ll always get back to you

Job Information

Job Reference: 1186
Salary From: £35000
Salary To: £45000
Job Industries: FMCG
Job Locations: Harwell, Oxfordshire, England
Job Types: Permanent
Job Skills: Engineering

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