You’ll be testing the integrity of critical component parts of rockets.

Using x-ray devices to ensure there are no cracks or fractures and that rocket fuel has been filled to the correct level, this naturally requires your absolute attention to detail

Other tasks include undertaking helium gas leak detection and penetrating dye inspection of machined components

You need experience in NDT quality control and inspection, preferably in the aerospace, automotive or medical device engineering sector including the analysis of digital x-ray images

In return you’ll be part of a quality team dedicated to the production of rocket propulsion systems used in a very unusual application – You’ll easily be the most interesting person down at the pub

CV not ready? No problem, just email, text, WhatsApp or call me – I’ll always get back to you

Job Information

Job Reference: 32313
Salary From: £32000
Salary To: £42000
Job Industries: Aerospace and Aviation
Job Locations: Chalgrove, Oxfordshire, England
Job Types: Permanent
Job Skills: Engineering

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