Advance your IT career

Your future is important

We understand that your individuality and knowledge in IT is what makes you stand out from the crowd. As part of helping you secure your next job, we can ensure that both your CV and preparation for the interview will help you bring these qualities to the attention of your next employer

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    Designer (Web) – working with Web Developer, designing a number of web experiences, creating AB tests to be developed by our Optimisation Developer. Taking input from the Digital Customer Experience Manager and wider business units creating, exciting new web experiences. Excellent social and communication skills in verbal and written are key to this role, a background of working with Charity organisations will also be taken into consideration.

    Summary & Responsibilities

    The Designer will be responsible for turning designs and requirements

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    So after much blood, sweat, tears and a growing student debt you’ve completed your IT degree and now need a career start in Web development

    This might tickle your fancy, especially if you also like cars.

    This organisation has just re-branded all of it’s global subsidiaries, including a major refurbishment of their multiple websites.

    You will optimise all of the new websites where you will be turning designs and requirements from the testing roadmap into AB tests.

    You’ll need a

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    So after much blood, sweat, tears and a growing student debt you’ve completed or half way through your IT degree and now need a 12 month industrial placement.

    This might tickle your fancy, especially if you also like cars.

    This organisation has just rebranded all of it’s subsidiaries, including a major refurbishment of their multiple websites.

    This will be a 12 month internship to optimise all of the new websites where you will be turning designs and requirements from the

Find the job you desire

Our team only care about providing you with a role that excites you as well as giving you the rewards and career advancement you desire. We use our knowledge, experience and a little creativity. At ATP Technical, we promise not to throw you at the first job we come across. We have a plethora of resources at our disposal combined with nearly 50 years of experience to make your job search easy

Our influencer – Alan Turing

English Mathematician, computer scientist, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher and theoretical biologist. AlanTuring was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general-purpose computer. Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and AI, Despite these accomplishments, he was never fully recognised in his home country during his lifetime, due to his homosexuality, at the time which was a crime in the UK.

Give us a call and start your next career move.   01784 682250

What our clients say.

James Head

John's knowledge and experience in the aerospace and defence markets are second to none! I would recommend John to any job seeker looking for employment!

Matthew Davidson

John is a highly focused, professional recruiter who is capable of delivering a level of service that far exceeds expectation.