Working for an aerospace start-up company with an entirely new type of aircraft, you’ll be overseeing the contract agreements with clients, vendors, partners and other stakeholders.

Collaborating with internal project, finance and legal teams, you’ll be ensuring contracts are robust, legal and fit for purpose for all parties

You need a legal, business studies or technical background combined with commercial experience in contracts in the commercial, aerospace, defence, technology or Telecom sectors

In return you will be part of a growing team participating in the delivery of a very exciting new type of aircraft, never seen before anywhere in the world

CV not ready? No problem, just email, text or call me – I’ll always get back to you

Job Information

Job Reference: 32346
Salary From: £40000
Salary To: £50000
Job Industries: Aerospace and Aviation
Job Locations: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
Job Types: Permanent
Job Skills: Engineering

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